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ramen, please!

New York has so many restaurants, you never have to repeat, which means I almost never choose to repeat. However, there are a few places that I will absolutely choose to repeat on the regular. One of these places is Ganso .  Ganso is a nice little ramen shop in an iffy part of downtown Brooklyn, offering a selection of Japanese fare, with ramen as the star.  Real ramen is not the mess you get for $1 as a college student. Proper ramen has vegetables, soft boiled egg, meat, and broth that has been labored over for hours. The end result is mind blowing. I went with my friend the Floridian. His car had just been officially declared stolen by the NYPD, so we decided to celebrate.  One of the stupid, but fun things that I like there is that they have these sodas that rather than having caps, have marbles in them that are held sealed by the pressure from the carbonation. You have to use a little peg thing and whack it with your hand to open it. Then you get the ...

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